Back on the road again! After finishing up our North Island adventures in Wellington we took the Bluebridge ferry over to Picton to begin our two week journey through the South Island. Although the South Island is much larger than the North Island, it is less populated making for longer more scenic drives between cities. The perfect… Read More
New Zealand is a small country which makes it the perfect candidate to get the wheels rolling for an unforgettable road trip. To make the most of our 4-weeks on the North Island we decided to travel in style with our 2001 Sirion Daihatsu which we named Kiwi for obvious reasons. A lot of visitors… Read More
To finish up our last leg on the North Island we spent 48 hours in the windy city of Wellington. Originally, we thought two days was plenty of time to explore the capital of New Zealand, however in hindsight we could have used a little extra time. Luckily for us, we were staying with a friend of Nick’s Mom who… Read More
For our second Great Walk we decided to give our legs a break and get our arms pumping with a three day canoe trip down the Whanganui River. When we first planned this trip we were envisioning white water rafting down a roaring river in our badass canoe, cause after-all what’s more badass than a canoe?… Read More
While in New Zealand we really wanted to channel our inner Kiwi and attempt to be fully functional outdoorsman/woman. A little different from our former 9-5 desk jobs where the most outdoor action we got was an hour lunch. This lead us to one of New Zealand’s more challenging Great Walks, The Tongariro Northern Circuit. To give… Read More